Let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Mandah, I'm at the old age of 19 and enjoy all things lovely. I'm a college student studying photography/fine arts and in the beginning stages of starting a photography company called Hey, I love you Photography Hence the blog title. Life has been changing quite a bit lately, living on my own with my parents hundreds of miles away. A new, but extremely darling boy that has decided to embark on my life and all the fun things life throws you on the journey of growing up. Why would I want to keep all this to myself?! Here will be my work, my stories, and everything in between. I don't plan on holding back and can't wait to keep blogging more! (I'm jumping in my skin with excitement as I type this)
Goodbye 2010, hello 2011
A walk through 2010 in photos
January 2010

February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
This was a special event. Getting to hear my lovely father sing the nation anthem at a local baseball game. And what's baseball without popcorn, yelling fans, and maybe the occasional fireworks.
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
As I searched through my photos, August was a month that had very few and none really worthy of putting up, what a shame.
September 2010 (birthday month/meeting the boy month/lots of enjoyment month)
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
These are just some of the pictures from over this year. I didn't want to bombard you with to many for the first post. I'm so excited to keep blogging and look forward to this new adventure.
Love you all,
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