Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Season

It's a new Season and I'm not just talking about the weather.

"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest.A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up.A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away.A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away.A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak.A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace." Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

I'm not quite going to go into details of what is happening in my life, but I'm about to embark on a new season. It's a season of growth and probably some uncomfortableness, but I'm excited to see what God makes of it. He's got me in his hands and is teaching me something new every day. 

I love you all!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Fall fever

I can't get enough of all these leafs! 
Goodness, it's like I'm in heaven. I don't think people up north realize how blessed they are to be surrounded by so much beauty, I am getting my fall fix for sure. It has been my favorite season since I can remember. I love the cool crisp air, the bare trees and not feeling like you're going to have a hot flash when you drink your coffee. It's been a lazy couple of days, but at the same time it's nice to just relax. I've got to walk around the neighborhood and just enjoy everything that autumn has to bring and since I forgot my camera cord to upload my pictures my iphone will do just fine. I hope everyone enjoyed their black friday. I didn't go out this year and fight my way through the crowds and I think I won't for a couple more years, I enjoyed sleeping until 10 if you ask me. Remember to continue the season of thankfulness. Lets make it more then just one day! 

Love you guys!

p.s. We taught my seven year old cousin to plank. I'm not sure what the purpose of it is but he kept asking me to take his picture around the park planking. He really is a hoot! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I was able to visit my family for the week and I'm having an incredible time. I enjoy the cooler weather and all the leaves on the ground it's such a nice change from Florida, it will be such a bummer to head back sunday. If you've been following me on twitter you've noticed I've been doing 30 days of thanksgiving and it's been eye opening. It reminds me to look at each day and remember what I'm really thankful for. Life is too short to take anything for granted. 

This is what I've been thankful for:
I'm thankful for the love I have from my friends and family.
I am thankful for laughter and breakfast for dinner.
I'm thankful for chilly weather and fall clothes
I'm thankful for afternoon naps 
I'm thankful for goofy sleepovers 
I'm thankful for rainy days 
I am thankful for the ability to produce art 
I am thankful for pumpkin spice chai...mmmm 
I am thankful for the warmth of my own bed and the roof over my head
I'm thankful for making late night wishes 
I'm thankful for being a photographer.
I am thankful for the ability to help others when they need it the most
I am thankful for the ability to dig deep and study Gods word 
 I am thankful that ihop is open 24hrs and gives me an abundant amount of coffee on late study nights
I am thankful for going to bed at 1 and considering that early this week
I am incredibly thankful that I am able to be apart of Celebration Sisterhood
I am thankful for the comfort of God
I am thankful for a new day
I am thankful for salvation 
I am thankful for the friends God has given me 
I am thankful for my puppyhead 
I am thankful for my Earthly father
I am thankful to spend thankgiving with the people that mean the most to me. 

Remember to count your blessing and tell the ones you care most about you're thankful for them. 

Love you all

Monday, November 7, 2011


Yes, I got a new tattoo, I think it is my favorite. We had a friend who knew some missionary's from costa coming into town and they were doing tattoo's to help raise money for back there. I couldn't pass up such an awesome way to get a tattoo. You can check out the couples blog here. Their names are Amanda and Brian and they are both extremely talented and incredibly sweet and loving people. 

Here are a few pictures. My friend Amanda got a tattoo as well (I know so many Amanda's!)

My tattoo says boundless, meaning I have no limits on my life. I am not bound to this world, and the fears and doubts that go along with it, but I have a freedom in Christ making anything possible. It is to remind me daily that I am a boundless women and I don't have to let fear and insecurity control my life. 

Love you all

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Farmers Market

One of my favorite things to do on the weekends is go to the Riverside Art Market. I enjoy picking up my produce for the week and also walking around to the different booths they have. They had tons of animals this week! And because it's been a bit chilly we started our day off picking up some coffee. When we got down there we realized that there was other things going as well and we came across veggie fest where we picked up a vegan lunch. Over all it was a great day spent. 

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

love, Mandah

Monday, October 31, 2011

Weekend fun- Halloween Edition

This weekend I enjoyed throwing a little halloween gathering. Everyone came in their costumes, we snacked on candy corn, pumpkin donuts, and carmel apples. It was quite a lovely night. These are a few photos from the evening.

Hope everyone has a great halloween this evening! 

Love, Mandah

Sunday, September 11, 2011

DIY Map Picture

As I was going through pounds of old things I came across an old atlas and couldn't help but love the idea of hanging the maps on my wall. I needed something new to liven up the room a bit so I thought I would share my little DIY project here.

First this is what you'll need:

You'll also need a blank canvas to paper måché your map pieces too. I got mine from goodwill but you can also get them at any craft store.

Cut out each state you want to use. I went for the states I've lived in but you can randomly choose them as well.

Organize the pieces how you would like.

Mix your glue and water together to glue down your pieces on your canvas!

And You're done! You have a cute new picture to hang to your liking.

Hope you all enjoy!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fall Cleaning

It's time for a major cleaning and down size. I need to get rid of stuff and need a little face lift for my apartment. I guess I'll get started today!

don't judge me by how messy my house is.